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How To Be An Effective Working Mum

As a working mum, you’re involved in your family life as well as in your career, and it can be tough to find the balance in between. How to handle being a working mom, you may ask? Juggling work and family life can be challenging, but don’t let that stop you from nourishing a healthy working and home life. Here are ways on how to become an effective working mum.

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Tips On Being An Effective Working Mum – How To Cope With Being A Working Mom

Busy mom multitasking

Be prepared for the challenges ahead of you

The biggest thing that slowed me down was being unprepared. I didn’t know how to start a business, I didn’t know how to make money from a business, I didn’t know how to get traffic to a website, and I didn’t know how to make a business successful. So I had to work on those skills I had to learn in order to become a successful businesswoman. It won’t always be plain sailing but with grit and determination, you can achieve anything you want to.

Create a support network to help you juggle your career and motherhood

When you first start your own business, it’s important to surround yourself with people who can help you when things get tough, and who can also celebrate with you when things go well. Having a strong support network is crucial to your success.

As part of your online business journey, you’re going to experience hurdles and tribulations. A bit of adversity is a great thing because your mindset changes and challenges force you to grow. Challenge your limits, grow and learn. More often than not, you’ll get stronger because of it. It’s a snowball effect!

Get out of the house for some time away from the kids

When you spend all of your time with your kids, you may start to get frustrated by your children and constantly being around them 24/7. Spending some time away from your kids allows you to recharge and get your head back on straight. Finding the correct balance can be difficult and it is very much trial and error until you get it right.

Be flexible with your hours and workload

If you’re flexible with when and how you work, you’ll be able to have a better work-life balance and you’ll be able to focus on what matters most to you. This can take the form of flex time, taking breaks throughout the day to recharge your mind and body, or simply remote working and attending to things you care more about over your 9-to-5. Think about how you would cope if you had to work on a Monday for several days straight. Constraints like that can make working on tasks you might not enjoy, and the longer you go without a break, the harder it can be to put your best foot forward.

Close up in selective focus of two women hands gesture mudra, while doing yoga vinyasa flow, Padmasana, nirvana state of mind

Take advantage of online resources to help you juggle work and home life more smoothly

With the right strategy, you can use tools like Google calendar, Canva, Promo Republic (for social media scheduling) and Trello to help you get more done in less time. Establish your vision, and your vision will guide you every step of the way. If you never set goals, you’ll never achieve them. If you never know where you’re going, or what you’re going to accomplish, you’ll never get there. And if you never have a clear path, when you stumble on it, you’ll fall flat on your face and wonder why or how it happened.

Being a full-time mum and coping with the working mum overwhelm can be challenging but you are strong and you can do it if you put your mind to it. You don’t have to be perfect and you don’t always have to get it right so don’t beat yourself up about it.

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