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Top 5 Tips For Working Mums Who Want To Be Freelancers

Regardless of whether you’re a mum or not, working whilst juggling family is hard. Being a freelancer and a mum who wants to work from home is even harder — but it can be done with a little help and plenty of organization. Freelancing allows you to find your own work-life balance, and with the right mindset and techniques, you can set up a routine that works for you and your family.

Becoming a freelancer can be a great option for mothers who want to return to work after having children. The way you work as a freelancer is different from any other job you might have.

Enthusiastic mother playing with her daughter in living room

Tips For Mums Who Want To Be A Freelancer

Don’t forget about your fellow freelancers

As you grow in your freelancing career, you’ll notice that the people you helped out at the beginning of your career will become clients and colleagues. You’ll also find that there are a lot more freelancers and contractors out there looking for work. Confront your peers in the field who are already successful and help them out, listen to their tips and tricks, help them improve their business, be their friend, and most of all see if there’s an overlap between where they are now and where you want to be.

Find the right balance between your work and family

Balancing your work and family can be hard, especially in a career like technology, where there is always work to be done. But it’s important to find that balance. You can’t be a great parent if you’re not present for your family.

Know that you are only human, and you will make mistakes. Be patient. That’s going to be the most key thing for you. And we can talk about resentment when we have our children and then see them grow up, but let’s focus on the tips. Go in with an open mind. Realising sometimes no solution is 100% obvious.

Know when to ask for help

If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, it’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to say, “I’m feeling really overwhelmed and I can’t do this alone”. And sometimes, you have to ask for help in order to get things done. I can see how that could sound a little harsh. It is completely understandable to get overwhelmed, but all I’m saying, in this case, is that there are certain tasks that you can do well on your own. However, there are certain tasks that you might be weak at. Usually, there are certain tasks that you can’t do at all. It really depends on what kind of work you do daily and what kind of clients you need for your job.

Busy mom multitasking

Learn to delegate

If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re going to have to learn how to delegate. You can’t do it all by yourself. If you want to build a successful business, you’re going to have to learn to delegate and trust other people to get the job done and to do it well.

Consider the cost of self-employment

When deciding whether or not you should become a freelancer, you need to consider the cost of self-employment.

There are a couple of main costs you need to factor in:

1) the cost of starting a business. This is often the biggest reason why people don’t start freelancing. If you go the route of buying an established business, it should already be fully operational. However, if you want to start a business, the cost of equipment will increase significantly. Working from home or sitting in front of a computer will also make your job more stressful. There are a few things you can do to mitigate these costs. A lot of people want to work in the online environment and make money online. However, knowing the right steps to take to make your business successful will thank you at the end of the day.

2) The cost of training. This cost can be very different to most people’s perspectives.

And my last top tip is next time you’re considering freelancing is to write a killer contract. This should clearly define the scope of work that your client or employers can expect from you. Work with a lawyer to write your contract to make sure it is 100% watertight and ensure everyone is happy.

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Top tips for working mums who want to be freelancers

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